Steps to clean up corrupt Portal filesets in AIX ODM
Technote (FAQ)
When I run lppchk -v on my AIX system, it results in the following (from a 6.0 server):


lppchk: The following filesets need to be installed or corrected to bring
the system to a consistent state:
WebSpherePortalProduct (COMMITTED)


This can also happen for Portal v6.1 servers as well.
The Portal filesets can become corrupted for a variety of reasons; most commonly after fixpacks are applied or removed.
The messages have no effect on the WebSphere Portal server itself, and your server will still be functional.
However this can prevent you from upgrading your AIX server. In this case, since Portal does not require the filesets to function, the best option is to remove them. The following steps describe how to remove the filesets.

!!WARNING!! - Use extreme caution when editing your servers ODM. Any mistakes can cause your entire AIX server to no longer function and require a complete reinstallation of the operating system. If you are unsure of what you are doing, please contact IBM support to help you.

1. Backup the odm

# /usr/lib/instl/saveodms2.

2. Remove from /usr/lib/objrepos   

    # export ODMDIR=/usr/lib/objrepos
    # odmget -q name=<fileset_name> lpp  -> take note of the     "lppid#"
    # odmdelete -q name=<fileset_name> -o lpp
    # odmdelete -q lpp_name=<fileset_name> -o product
    # odmdelete -q lpp_id= <lppid# from above> -o history
    # odmdelete -q lpp_id= <lppid# from above> -o inventory

3. Remove from /etc/objrepos
    # export ODMDIR=/etc/objrepos
    # odmget -q name=<fileset_name> lpp  -> take note of the "lppid#"
    # odmdelete -q name=<fileset_name> -o lpp
    # odmdelete -q lpp_name=<fileset_name> -o product
    # odmdelete -q lpp_id= <lppid# from above> -o history
    # odmdelete -q lpp_id= <lppid# from above> -o inventory

4. Run lppchk -v to confirm the filesets are no longer an issue.