VIOS Commands
Basic VIOS commands (user management)
Note: padmin is the only user for most configurations. It is possible to configure additional users such as operational users for monitoring purposes.
List attributes of the padmin user
$ lsuser padmin ⤶
List all users on the system
$ lsuser ⤶
Change the password for the current user
$ passwd ⤶
IOS Version (List the verion of the VIOS oslevel)
$ ioslevel ⤶
Accept all VIOS license agreements
$ license –accept ⤶
List the boot devices for this lpar
$ bootlist -mode normal –ls ⤶
List LPAR name and ID
$ lslparinfo ⤶
Display the MOTD
$ motd ⤶
Restricted shell to root shell
$ oem_setup_env ⤶
Determine the underlying (AIX) oslevel.
$ oem_plateform_level ⤶
To display the current date & time of the VIO server
$ chdate ⤶
VIOS Backup
This creates a nim_resources.tar file which contains the mksysb and spot.
$ backupios -file "/the directory name" ⤶
This creates only the mksysb file.
$ backupios -file "/the directory name" - mksysb ⤶
e.g ( Here is an example of my vios1 mksysb)
$ backupios -file /home/padmin/viobackup/vios1.mksysb -mksysb ⤶
/home/padmin/viobackup/vios1.mksysb doesn't exist.
Creating /home/padmin/viobackup/vios1.mksysb
Creating information file for volume group mksysbvg..
Creating list of files to back up.
Backing up 6 files
6 of 6 files (100%)
0512-038 savevg: Backup Completed Successfully.
Backup in progress. This command can take a considerable amount of time
to complete, please be patient...
Creating information file (/ for rootvg..
Creating list of files to back up......
Backing up 88837 files..............................
461 of 88837 files (0%)..............................
1010 of 88837 files (1%)..............................
1220 of 88837 files (1%)..............................
6651 of 88837 files (7%)..............................
29598 of 88837 files (33%)..............................
51915 of 88837 files (58%)..............................
81689 of 88837 files (91%).......
88837 of 88837 files (100%)
0512-038 savevg: Backup Completed Successfully.
Mirror rootvg in VIOS
Check, does rootvg already mirrored
$ lsvg -lv rootvg ⤶
Check no. of disk in rootvg
$ lsvg –pv rootvg ⤶
Check free disk for mirror (In my case hdisk1 available)
$ lspv –free ⤶
Lets add the hdisk1 in rootvg
$ extendvg rootvg hdisk1 ⤶
Lets start mirroring, must use –defer otherwise, vios will reboot as soon as mirroring finish.
Check ioslevel of your VIOS before start mirroring.
$ mirrorios –defer hdisk1 ⤶
Note: You might required to use –f (force) for mirror.
Check bootlist after mirror
$ bootlist -mode normal –ls ⤶
hdisk0 blv=hd5
hdisk1 blv=hd5
hdisk1 blv=hd5
Note: If mirrored rootvg disk are not specified in bootlist run command below$ bootlist -mode normal hdisk0 hdisk1 ⤶
This command is similar to cfgmgr (to scan/discover for new devices in vios)
$ cfgdev ⤶
List all physical volumes
$ lspv ⤶
List all unmapped disks
$ lspv –free ⤶
List all devies (virtual & phsyical) by their slot addresses
$ lsdev -slots ⤶
List all adapters
$ lsdev -type adapter ⤶
List all virtual adapters
$ lsdev -virtual -type adapter ⤶
A detailed description of hdisk5 (Vital Product Data)
$ lsdev -dev hdisk5 -vpd ⤶
List the parent device of hdisk0
$ lsdev -dev hdisk0 -parent ⤶
List no. of physical volumes(hdisks) in rootvg
$ lsvg -pv rootvg ⤶
Check lv in rootvg
$ lsvg –lv rootvg ⤶
List the size of hdisk0
$ lspv -size hdisk0 ⤶
Create Volume group (datavg) in VIOS
$ mkvg –f –vg datavg hdisk5 ⤶
Create LVs e.g (lpar1lv) in datavg in VIOS (This lv can be assigned to an lpar as an disk).
$ mklv –lv lpar1lv datavg 10G ⤶
List all (vtd) virtual disks mapping devices(created with mkvdev command)
$ lsdev -virtual -type disk ⤶
List all devices (physical and virtual) by their slot address
$ lsdev –slots ⤶
Find the WWN of the fcs0 HBA (Host Bus Adapter)
$ lsdev -dev fcs0 -vpd | grep Network ⤶
Assign a Disk / LV to a Virtual SCSI Host Adapter (vhostX)
$ lspv ⤶
List unmapped disk
$ lspv –free ⤶
List virtual device mapping
$lsmap –all ⤶
To map hdisk22 to vhost1, just type
$ mkvdev -vdev hdisk22 -vadapter vhost1 ⤶
vtscsi1 available
But you can specify your own name for the mapping device by making use of the -- >dev option
$ mkvdev -vdev hdisk22 -vadapter vhost1 –dev lpar1_22 ⤶
lpar1_22 available
$ lsmap –vadapter vhost1 ⤶
If you use LVs rather than whole disks or LUNs the same rules apply:
$ mkvdev -vdev lpar1_lv03 -vadapter vhost1 ⤶
vtscsi1 available
Custom LV mapping device
$ mkvdev -vdev lpar1_lv03 -vadapter vhost1 -dev lpar1_lv03 ⤶
lpar1_lv03 available
$ lsmap –vadapter vhost1 ⤶
List only the virtual target devices attached to the vhost1 adapter
$ lsmap –vadapter vhost1 –field vtd ⤶
Unassign a Disk/LV from a Virtual SCSI Host Adapter (Remove mapping)
List mapping on vhost1
$ lsmap –vadapter vhost1 ⤶
Remove specific mapping
$ rmvdev –vtd vtscsiX ⤶
$ lsmap –vadapter vhost1 ⤶
Check the reserve-policy on hdisk
You might required to change the reserve-policy on a disk, if same disk required from dual VIOS.
$ lspv ⤶
$ lspv -free ⤶
List attributes of hdisk22
$ lsdev -dev hdisk22 -attr ⤶
Change Reserve policy from no_resove to single_path or vice versa
$ chdev -dev hdisk22 -attr reserve_policy=no_reserve ⤶
$ chdev -dev hdisk22 -attr reserve policy=single_path ⤶
$ lsdev -dev hdisk22 -attr ⤶
List the parent device of hdisk0
$ lsdev -dev hdisk0 -parent ⤶
List all the child devices of scsi1
$ lsdev -dev scsi1 -child ⤶
List Shared Ethernet Adapters
$ lsmap -all –net
$ lsdev |grep ent ⤶
$ lsdev -dev ent0 -vpd ⤶
Create a Shared Ethernet Adapter
To create a Shared Ethernet Adapter (SEA) you need:
1 Physical Ethernet Adapter + 1 Virtual Ethernet Adapter = 1 Shared Ethernet Adapter
ent0/ent1 ent2 ent3
$ mkvdev -sea <PHYS> -vadapter <VIRT> -default <VIRT> -defaultid <VLAN>
To make SEA ent3 on physical ent0 and virtual ent2
$ mkvdev -sea ent0 -vadapter ent2 -default ent2 -defaultid 199 ⤶
Shared Ethernet Adapter Failover:
$ mkvdev -sea <PHYS> -vadapter <VIRT> -default <VIRT> -defaultid <VLAN> -attr ha_mode=auto ctl_chan=<CONT>
Example: To create a Shared Ethernet Adapter(SEA) on top of an virtual adapter ent11 using VLAN 20, the physical adapter ent2 as backend, and the virtual adapter ent13 for the control channel type:
$ mkvdev -sea ent2 -vadapter ent11 -default ent11 -defaultid 20 -attr ha_mode=auto ctl_chan=ent13
Check attributes of SEA in more organize format or check status of virutal ethernet adapters
$ lsmap -net –all ⤶
Check the attributes of SEA. Also tells which is physical , virtual and sea adapter.
$ lsdev -dev ent4 -attr ⤶
Find virtual adapters associated with SEA ent4.
$ lsdev -dev ent4 -attr virt_adapters ⤶
Find physical (backing) adapter for SEA ent4.
$ lsdev -dev ent4 -attr real_adapter ⤶
List all (virtual and physical) ethernet adapters in the VIOS
$ lstcpip -adapters ⤶
To check the ip address assinged to VIOS
$ lstcpip –interfaces ⤶
Setup IP Address
To configure an local IP address to en3 use
$ mktcpip -hostname VIOS1 \
-inetaddr \
-interface en3 -start \
-netmask \
-gateway ⤶
Change the default gateway address with
$ chtcpip –interface en0 \
-gateway –add –remove ⤶
Change the IP address on en0 from to
$ chtcpip –interface en0 \
-inetaddr –netmask ⤶
You can also use root shell to change the IP
$ oem_setup_env ⤶
# smitty mktcpip ⤶
Remove an IP Address
$ rmtcpip -interface en3 ⤶
Find Active VIOS
To check which VIO is active for SEA (where ent3 is SEA)
entstat -all sea_adapter |grep -i active
$ entstat -all ent3 |grep -i active ⤶
Check Network Link Status
To check network link (where ent3 is SEA)
entstat -all sea_adapter |grep -i link
$ entstat -all ent3 |grep -i link ⤶
Default gateway and routing table
$ netstat –routtable ⤶
To check network duplexing
entstat -all sea_adapter |grep -i media
$ entstat -all ent4 |grep -i media ⤶
List the port speed of the (physical) ethernet adapter eth0
$ lsdev -dev ent0 -attr media_speed ⤶
List all the possible settings for media speed on ent0
$ lsdev -dev ent0 -range media_speed ⤶
Set the media speed to auto negotiate on ent0
$ chdev -dev ent0 -attr media speed=Auto_Negotiation ⤶
Set the media speed to auto negotiate on ent0 on next boot
$ chdev -dev ent0 -attr media speed=Auto_Negotiation –perm ⤶
Enable jumbo frames on the ent0 device
$ chdev -dev ent0 -attr jumbo frames=yes ⤶
View settings on ent0 device
$ lsdev -dev ent0 –attr ⤶
List open (TCP) ports on the VIOS IP stack
$ lstcpip -sockets | grep LISTEN ⤶
List TCP and UDP sockets listening and in use
$ lstcpip -sockets -family inet ⤶
Tell which vios is primary
$ entstat -all ent4 |grep -i PRIMARY ⤶
Tells which vios is backup
$ entstat -all ent4 |grep -i BACKUP ⤶