How To Find The Processor Type In AIX OS

Technote (troubleshooting)


How to find the processor type in AIX OS.

Resolving the problem


To determine the processor type for the English version of AIX, at the shell command prompt, type:
# prtconf | grep -i "Processor Type"

To validate AIX is the English version, at the shell command prompt, type:

# echo $LANG

This will be set to "C" for the English version.

Depending upon the processor type and installation, the above command may give the following types of output:

On a Power 4 type of processor:
$ prtconf | grep -i "Processor Type"
Processor Type: PowerPC_POWER4

On a non Power 4 type RISC based processor:
$ prtconf | grep -i "Processor Type"
Processor Type: PowerPC_RS64-II

On AIX systems prtconf utility can be found in /usr/sbin and the grep utility can be found in /usr/bin directories.